Bugle Miami

JetBlue launches Miami and Key West operations

JetBlue began operations at both Miami and Key West on 11 February.

Miami launched with four routes (Boston, Los Angeles, Newark, and New York JFK), while it was two for Key West (Boston and JFK).

This week, JetBlue has 14 departures from Miami to Los Angeles, 24 to Newark, and 25 to both Boston and JFK.  Boston, JFK, and Newark will later increase to 28-weekly each.

From Key West, JFK has five-weekly departures and Boston four. Both routes will be served for 11 weeks, and while JFK will remain five-weekly, Boston will rise to once-daily for a short period.

Miami’s CEO, Lester Sola, said:  “Welcoming JetBlue, one of the world’s leading low-cost carriers, to our network is truly a landmark event in our airport’s history.”

JetBlue launches Miami and Key West operations

